Homebirth Supply List

Gathering Supplies for your Homebirth

Your Birth Kit will be provided as part of your package. You do not need to order one. However, if you would like to see what items are included, you can click the link listed below. If there are items that are not included that you would like to have, please order these items separately.


When planning a homebirth, it is important that you plan for supplies that may be needed during the birth and for clean up afterward. Wellspring will supply you with the birth pool, pool liner, air and water pumps, and a birth kit with disposable birth supplies needed.

Homebirth Supply List for Current Clients

In addition to the birth kit, you should also purchase/collect the following supplies: 

  • Healthy food and beverages for mom and her support people (fruit, vegetables, nuts, beans, whole grains, etc)
  • 4-8 washed cotton baby blankets (washed prior to birth)
  • 100% cotton infant clothes, prewashed (not new with tags)
  • 2-4 LARGE bottles of hydrogen peroxide (for cleanup)
  • Bleach (less than one cup is needed)
  • NEW, clean garden hose, long enough to reach the birth pool from your water source
  • Shower curtain or waterproof mattress cover (cover mattress from 36-37 weeks)
  • Heating pad (for warmth of mom or baby as needed)
  • 6-10 CLEAN towels (washed prior to birth – even if new)
  • 2-4 clean hand towels
  • Roll of paper towels
  • Clorox or other disinfecting wipes
  • 1 package of Depends or VERY large sanitary napkins (2 Depends come in birth kit)
  • 3-4 Large pots or saucepans to heat water
  • 2 bottles of Powerade, Gatorade, or Pedialyte (first-time moms only) 

Optional Supplies:

  • 6-10 clean washcloths
  • Crockpot (to warm washcloths for compresses)
  • Large bowl or shallow pan (to catch placenta – midwife usually has one with her)
  • Ice packs or frozen sanitary napkins (for perineum after birth – 1 comes in birth kit)
  • Camera (or birth photographer)
  • Video camera (and operator other than your partner or midwife)
  • Music (soothing, instrumental, praise music, etc)
  • Anything else that you find comforting or useful (lip balm, hair ties, toothbrush, warm socks, essential oils, etc) 
  • Afterease (for moms who have given birth before - helps relieve afterpains)
  • Ibuprofen (for afterpains, if not using Afterease or essential oils)
  • Baby care and mama care items (Tucks pads, Dermaplast, Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm and/or Bottom Spray, afterbirth herbs, olive oil, witch hazel, nipple cream, heating pad, sitz bath tub, prepared “padsicles,” etc)

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